An Update from OCC
from Pastor Jeff Larson
In the midst of the days we are in, I hope you are finding endurance and encouragement in the reminder of God’s presence with you and in your connection with friends, family, and church through calls, emails, video and other digital and electronic means.
All in-person services and activities are discontinued for the coming weeks. We will keep you posted as to when we will reconvene.
Online services, devotionals, studies and the like will continue through YouTube and email.
The OCC council will meet over Zoom regularly to review the situation and our response. Our congregation’s safety and well-being are our first priority.
The OCC Annual Meeting, scheduled for April 26, has been postponed one month with the date to be determined.
OCC Council members are attempting to make weekly calls to everyone in our congregation.
If you have a need or a prayer request, please let us know. There are people who are willing to go for groceries, pick up medicines, or do anything that would be helpful. Please don’t hesitate to call me at 469-236-4222 or Rob at 414-688-8991 or email to or
“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. . . . Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.”
New Worship Schedule
Beginning Sunday, September 8th we will transition to a new worship schedule that includes TWO services! We are excited to try out this new offering. All are welcome to join us!
9:00 Service
Care & classes for infants through high school
10:45 Service
Worship with the OCC Choir
Care for infants & toddlers
OCC Seeks a New Senior Minister
OCC is excited about the search for a new minister, and an effective leader and preacher will find a great opportunity to join us on our faith journey and to build programs and membership. This church holds much promise and our committed, loving and supportive congregation is ready to follow a new spiritual leader.
The Pastoral Search Committee has thoughtfully compiled a summary for potential new ministers. In it, readers will find details about OCC's history and members, results from a 2016 survey of the congregation, and a full job description for a senior minister.
Read moreA New Playset for OCC's Children!
OCC constructed a new playset in fall 2016.
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