What is Congregationalism?
Congregationalism is one of several traditions generally considered to be part of "Mainline" Protestant Christianity. We trace our spiritual heritage back to the Mayflower passengers, who risked everything so they might worship God freely - following the teachings of scripture and the convictions of their own individual consciences. Today, these are all still key touchstones for us: freedom, scripture, and individual conscience. Congregationalism's "Three F's"—Faith, Freedom, and Fellowship—are cherished ideals at Ozaukee Congregational Church.
Very importantly, like most Congregational churches, OCC has no creed or statement of faith to which one must subscribe in order to be a member. However, we do have a Covenant—a statement of spiritual commitment, rather than one of theological conformity. That Covenant is OCC's "centerpiece,” around which we find unity without required uniformity.
The Covenant of Ozaukee Congregational Church
“We covenant together of our own free will, to love God and to enjoy God forever, to walk in God’s ways, known and to be made known, to study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, to live and work together in unity and peace, and to care for those whom God has given us to love.”
OCC is a member church of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, and of the Wisconsin Congregational Association. These are both voluntary associations and our participation and financial support of them is purely voluntary. In true Congregational tradition, we exercise local church autonomy. While we elect officers and board members annually, the only true Head of our church is Christ—not a bishop, synod, conference, or other body.
Several times each year, we officially receive new members during worship services. Contact our Senior Minister, Jeff Larson, to discuss membership!