
REv. Jeff Larson

Jeff serves as OCC’s Senior Minister. A native of Saskatchewan, Canada, Jeff has spent 20 years working in ministry in a variety of areas. He met his wife, Chandra, at a summer camp in Arkansas, they lived and worked in Chihuahua, Mexico with a mission organization, and then spent 8 years at a church in Texas before coming to OCC. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Jeff wants OCC to be a place that walks with people in life’s journey, helping them find hope and freedom through knowing the everlasting love of the God revealed in Jesus. Jeff and Chandra have three kids - Anders (14), Adeline (13), and AJ (10).


Rev. Rob Fredrickson

Rob serves as OCC’s Associate Minister, with particular focus on the areas of outreach and youth ministry. A graduate of Garrett-Evangelical Seminary and a lifelong congregationalist, Rob has worked in youth ministry since 1986—mixing lively, fun activities with challenging spiritual reflection and engaging service projects - and oversees OCC’s involvement in the community and beyond.



Danny Ellis serves as OCC’s Music Director, directing the OCC choir weekly, filling in as the summer pianist, and performing special music regularly. A Florida native, Danny spent time in California before doing his degree in vocal performance at Iowa State University and his masters of vocal performance at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Danny is also an accomplished pianist and teaches piano and voice lessons at Ellis Music Studios in Menomonee Falls.


Lori Dominiczak

Lori serves as OCC’s organist/pianist, a position she has held since the formation of OCC in 1983. Lori received her music training at Drake University and the University of Kansas, and has served as organist for many churches over the past 45+ years. She brings a variety of musical styles to the worship service, from classical to contemporary, and accompanies the choir and other musicians or soloists throughout the church year.


Liz Decker

Liz serves as OCC’s Children’s Director, known as Joyous Journey. Liz loves ministering to children and sharing the love of God with them through the caring, supportive environment of Joyous Journey. Liz also works in the OCC nursery and works full time with 18-month old children at a child care center in the area. Liz and her daughter Sarah have been part of the OCC family for many years.


Barb Glass

Barb Glass serves as one of OCC’s nursery workers. She and her family joined OCC in 1992 and have been continually involved in the nursery and Sunday school over the years. Barb and her husband, Steve, are glad to work together to share the love of God with the youngest members in the nursery.


Carol Larsen

Carol serves as one of OCC’s nursery workers. She and her husband, Keith, have been members of OCC for many years and have been involved in many ways. Keith plays the drums on Praise Band Sunday and Carol is also one of our deacons.